Friday, September 13, 2013

Oktoberfest & Pumpkin Beer Reviews

I'm going to try something a little bit different on this blog. By different I mean actually blogging.  We are coming into my favorite season of the year (harvest), and that means something else I love Great Seasonal Ales! Every year starting late Summer and into early Autumn breweries start releasing there seasonal brew.  This means Oktoberfest and Pumpkin Ales followed by winter time specials!  I always look forward to the fall for things like apple and pumpkin picking, apple cider, fresh garden veggies,tricker treating, costume parties, my birthday, but mainly the beer.

It's about that time of year so I headed to the package store and my adventure began. This Year I was absolutely bombarded by pumpkin beers and barely had time to skim the Oktoberfest offerings. I know what your thinking, "too much good beer to choose from, Oh No!" I thought the same thing. Luckily for me they sell singles for an outrageous price I just happened to be willing to pay. I loaded up on as many pumpkin ales as I could find, a few Octobers and headed home.

So since I'm going to  drinking all these beers anyway I might as well give them some reviews. Hopefully they will help you to choose a Pumpkin beer you will enjoy. At the very least I'll have these handy for next years trip!

I will make a list of links to my reviews below and ad the beers as I review them.

America's Original Pumpkin Ale by Buffalo Bill's Brewery

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