Sunday, October 30, 2022

Punkin Patch Game is Now on iOS

 Punkin Patch Game for iPhone an iPads

Punkin Patch game

You can now play the Punkin Patch Game on iOS! That means all you iphone and ipad users can get in on some spooky Halloween fun! The Punkin Patch is a fun game for all ages!

View more info on Punkin patch Game for Android:

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Punkin Patch Game on Android

 The Punkin Patch Game for Android is Live!

Punkin Patch Game

After nearly one year in the making the Punkin Patch Game is live on the Android marketplace. Abraxas released the Punkin Patch Comic earlier this summer and now you can also play the game on Android as well as the web in a open Beta.

Basically the game is still in testing and working through some final edits before payments get added and the game is synced with the blockchain!

Go a head and give it a download and launch some Punkins!!! 


If you have any feedback you can send it here:

Punkin Patch should launch on iOS soon!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Web3 Token Gate

Web3 Token Gate

Web3 Token Gate WordPress Plugin

Web3 Token Gate is an innovative NFT authentication plugin for WordPress. WP Token Gate allows users to show hidden content only to those that verify they own a specific Ethereum NFT in their cryptocurrency wallet.

Web3 Token Gate allows you to set two separate custom responses. Upon successful verification users will receive a message with the hidden content. If the users cannot verify ownership they will receive a second failed verification message.

Download the Web3 Token Gate WordPress Plugin for Free!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Chill Cubes Comic Soon!

 Chill Cubes Issue #1 - Seeds of Revolution

Cuyler Pagano's Chill Cubes

Cuyler Pagano's second comic series is set to launch on Kickstarter in November!

Join  the Punkin Wizard as he summons his frozen friends the Chill Cubes to help with an urgent mission; the journey to the seed vault. The Chill Cubes encounter some epic enemies as they fight for their lives along the way to secure the Punkin seeds deep with the mountain vault.

Snow, Ice, Yetis, Witches and More!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Punkin Patch Deluxe NFT Comics Have Been Shipped!


Punkin Patch NFT Comic


The Punkin Patch Issue #1 - The Rise of the Punkins! Super Deluxe NFT Versions have all been Shipped! I randomly signed 1 book in each batch for each person who claimed more than 1!
Each comic book comes with an NFT version that can be claimed via QR code inside the comic. Those NFTs can then unlock a readable pdf on